FSG Conducts Senior Survey

Senior AssistanceFamily Service of Glencoe (FSG) is examining ways in which we can better serve the needs of our community’s older residents. Our goal is to identify and respond to concerns facing these residents. Over the past several months, FSG has hosted several focus groups and interviews with Glencoe residents, community leaders, clergy and healthcare service providers.

Currently, FSG is looking for the unique perspective on the needs of senior residents from the adult children or caretakers of this group. We are conducting an anonymous online survey to better understand the attitudes, opinions, and needs of those living in our village age 65 and older and those who care for them.

If you are the adult child of an aging parent or other close relative age 65 or older who lives in Glencoe, please help!

Take the Survey

All responses will be kept strictly confidential and added to a pool of responses from fellow community members. For those who do not have an aging parent or close relative over 65 but know someone who does, please share this information. Your support will greatly assist FSG’s meaningful service to this group.

The survey will be open through Monday, March 7. Thank you for helping to strengthen our community by giving of your time today!