
Thank You for Giving, Glencoe!

Through the kindness of our community, FSG is able to care for friends and neighbors in crisis. This list represents the 168 families and businesses* who are standing with FSG through our annual appeal. Thank you, Glencoe, for helping us remove barriers to treatment and recovery.

If you are able, would you consider a gift today? We are midway through our service year and your continued partnership allows us to provide the best possible care for critical prevention, intervention, and crisis care services.

Your donations are an investment in the life of each child, teenager, and adult we serve. Your donations strengthen our community as a whole. Give today.

*annual appeal donors as of 1/8/18

Inside Glencoe Winter 2018

Inside Glencoe (formerly the Glencoe Quarterly) is a combined newsletter published jointly by Family Service of Glencoe, the Village, Park District, School District 35 and Library that is mailed to all Glencoe households.

We’re excited about our community newsletter’s new look, new partner, and new name! We hope you will learn something new about our village and attend an upcoming event or two.

Read the Winter 2018 Inside Glencoe here. Keep an eye out in the mail for your print copy as we welcome in the New Year!

Ten Ways to Stay in Front of Technology

  1. Together with your family, create your family values. Have a family meeting to discuss your expectations.
  2. Lead by example. Engage with your children, neighbors, and community with intention and purpose. When a text dings during dinner, show your children that it can wait. They are more important.
  3. Know the new Netiquette. Teach how to communicate appropriately and effectively when you’re not talking out loud. Talk to your kids about what they are saying, what others are saying, how they are saying it, and what photos they are “Snapping.” This opens a dialogue IRL (in real life) about what is and is not okay and why.
  4. Teach about reliable resources. It is incumbent that we teach our children to research their facts and know trustworthy sources before they post. That being said, the wealth of information at our fingertips is awesome.
  5. Create boundaries. More is at stake than just getting fresh air, a summer camp away from devices is only a band-aid to healing the craving, loneliness, and depression associated with social media use. Limit screen time and create a place to dock the family’s technology so dinners, homework time, and bedtime are technology free.
  6. Monitor always. Pay attention to your children’s use of games, apps, texts, and calls. You do not need to snoop, let your children know you will be watching. As a parent, it is your job to keep your kids safe. There are a variety of apps that can help with this.
  7. Say no to the next best thing. Teach your kids to learn to wait, to learn to save up for something special. It is especially difficult in our area, but teaching our kids to be responsible consumers is a healthy life lesson.
  8. Remember that much of your children’s online activity is actively engaging with their friends. Real hang-outs have been replaced by social media. Make sure apps and activities are age appropriate and that proper security settings are in place so you may allow your kids to become a part of the scene.
  9. Watch for feelings of isolation, not feeling “as good as” or not engaging in-person anymore. Social media has given kids a platform to bully, exclude, and undermine social standing. When kids get angry about limited use or are staying up all night, these are signs there may be a problem.
  10. Know the latest apps and lingo. Some apps to be aware of are: Instagram, Snapchat, TBH (To Be Honest, a plug in to Snapchat), Whisper, Kik, Omegle, GroupMe, WhatsApp, Monkey, Yellow, and Houseparty. Some may be harmless but can easily turn depending on the other-end users. Keeping an eye on app purchases and activity, along with open, honest, non-judgemental conversations will help you and your child stay safe and happy.

Technology Is Here to Stay

“The sort of intercourse that people formerly carried on at cross-road stores or over the back fence, has now attained the dignity of print and an imposing system. That we absorb a flood of this does not necessarily mean that our minds are degenerate but merely that we are gratifying an old appetite in a new way.”

This was written about newspapers in 1909 by sociologist Charles Cooley. Much like that newspaper, TV, or darned rock ‘n’ roll music, technology is here to stay.

Some say technology has affected how we interact and has taken away physical and imaginary play so important to developing young minds. However, Sara DeWitt of PBS Kids, believes “that we as a society . . . are letting our fears hold us back from realizing (technology’s) potential as a positive in children’s lives.” Like most things in life, moderation is the key. As parents, it is up to us to set the example and (do our best to) consistently uphold these boundaries while staying up to speed with the ever-changing, sometimes-alarming, world of technology.

According to a new study by The American Heart Association, “while most teenagers (60%) spend on average 20 hours per week in front of television and computer screens, a third spend closer to 40 hours per week, and about 7 percent are exposed to more than 50 hours of ‘screen-time’ per week.” The National Institute of Drug Abuse found that, “teens who spend more than average on screen activities are more likely to be unhappy . . . There is not a single exception.”

How do we combat the ills of technology? We counter it through human connection.

Connection is the thread of humanity, and technology can help us engage. Just like when our kids were little and we watched over them at Friends Park, we have to continue to keep an eye on them and engage with them. Rather than remaining ignorant, we must learn the skills to deal with technology in healthy ways and teach these strategies to our kids.

Nothing can replace human connection. As Jean M. Twenge, psychology professor and author of iGen, states, today’s teens are spending most of their free time “on their phone, in their room, alone, and often distressed.” However, through the responsible acceptance of technology in our lives, we can embrace it and possibly, it will allow us to flourish.

If you or your children are struggling, reach out to FSG for confidential support. Contact us for a consultation at (847) 835-5111 or

Healthy Boundaries

Family Service of Glencoe (FSG) and District 35 are co-sponsoring a special community talk on Tuesday, November 14 at 7pm for parents on “Healthy Boundaries:  How to Hold Them and What Gets in the Way” with guest speaker Dr. Brad Reedy co-owner and clinical director of Evoke Therapy Programs.

Dr. Reedy has developed an accessible approach to adolescents, young adults, and their parents. His powerful ability to use his own story and stories from the thousands of families he has treated offers hope to families suffering with mental health, addiction, and stage-of-life issues. He will explain the difference between boundaries and limits and explore the do’s and don’ts about boundaries and setting them in our relationships.

“Boundaries help make life predictable and safe for kids,” noted FSG Clinical Director Al Ross, LCSW, RDDP. “One of the greatest struggles many parents experience is establishing and maintaining appropriate boundaries in terms of their children’s behavior and activities. Dr. Reedy’s down-to-earth style and practical wisdom make his teachings tremendously valuable to those faced with the challenges of parenting in a time when the ability to stay on top of our kids’ activities is becoming more and more difficult.”

Dr. Reedy is a parenting and youth expert who has worked extensively with children and families for over 20 years. He is the author of The Journey of the Heroic Parent: Your Child’s Struggle & the Road Home. He holds a PhD in Marriage and Family Therapy from Brigham Young University, and is the father of four children.

This free discussion is open to the public and takes place at Central School’s Young Auditorium, 620 Greenwood Avenue, Glencoe. The program is geared towards parents of students in third grade through high school. Reservations are requested at For more information, please contact Al at or 847-835-5111.

2017 Annual Report: Standing with FSG

Our 2017 annual report celebrates an outstanding year! Thank you for standing with FSG in support of friends and neighbors. Individuals and families of all ages have benefited from a variety of programs and services noted in this report.

Donor Appreciation Event Update: We are sad to inform you that we have cancelled our event on Thursday, November 2 due to a low rsvp count. We heard from many community members that the date didn’t fit their schedules. Our apologies for any inconvenience. We are working to bring Dr. Spira to Glencoe in the future.

Parenting with Conviction

Family Service of Glencoe (FSG), North Shore Congregation Israel, St. Elisabeth’s Episcopal Church, and Glencoe Public Library are collaborating on a special series Parenting with Conviction: Insights from Our Books and Our Lives.

The second of two community conversations takes place on Tuesday, November 14 at 7:30pm at the Glencoe Public Library. The main topic, raising socially conscious children, is especially relevant in these challenging times.

This nondenominational dialogue will be facilitated by Reverend Daphne Cody (St. Elisabeth’s Episcopal Church), Rabbi Lisa Greene (North Shore Congregation Israel), and Kathy Livingston, LCSW (Family Service of Glencoe). They will explore developmentally appropriate, practical ideas for parents in an effort to help them raise socially responsible children.

“This event grew out of parents from all of our organizations questioning how they can integrate social consciousness into their daily lives,” said Kathy Livingston, LCSW, FSG Staff Therapist. “Just as with our spiritually aware event, parents have many questions, and are looking for discussion and exchange of ideas.”

This free discussion is open to the public. For more information, please contact Kathy at or 847-835-5111.

Fall Ladies Night Out at North Shore Exchange

The Board of Family Service of Glencoe (FSG) invites you to our fall Ladies Night Out–an intimate gathering at North Shore Exchange (NSE). Join us at the Glencoe boutique on Wednesday, October 25 from 6:30-8:30pm for friends, fun, and fashion at the hottest shop in town. We are excited to come together for a special evening of friendship and shopping to benefit families in need.

Let us know you’re coming.

FSG is proud to partner with Glencoe’s upscale resale with a heart through volunteering, recruiting volunteers and consigners, and introducing new friends to the shop.  North Shore Exchange is not your typical resale shop. Voted Make It Better’s “Best Luxury Consignment Shop” for both 2015 and 2016, NSE features luxury and contemporary women’s designer fashions and accessories, as well as stunning furniture and home décor.  Run primarily by 30-plus volunteers, North Shore Exchange is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit.  Unlike similar for-profit shops, 100% of their profits go to charity, including Family Service of Glencoe.  So whether you shop, donate or consign with NSE you’re making a difference in the lives of children and families in need.

We look forward to seeing you on October 25! Bring a friend!

View the Fall Glencoe Quarterly

The Glencoe Quarterly is a combined newsletter published jointly by the Village, the Park District, School District 35 and Family Service of Glencoe. This publication is mailed four times each year to all Glencoe residents and includes current topics of interest and general information about services and programs.

Read the current issue online here: Fall 2017 Glencoe Quarterly

Fall topics include:

  • Advocacy for mental health
  • Meet FSG Therapist Sari Glazebrook, LCSW
  • Senior program events
  • Parenting with Conviction
  • Celebrating Kindness

Back-to-School Tips for Families

Ready or not, the new school year is just around the corner. Here’s a great article recommended by FSG Senior Therapist Kathy Livingston to help your family with back-to-school transitions and expectations.

Six Things Parents Should Know about Sending Kids Back to School

How to Talk to Your Kids About the Violence in Charlottesville

With the news over the past few days, parents are faced with a dilemma: if, and how, to talk about violence and racism with their children. We encourage you to have age-appropriate dialogue with your kids about these difficult topics as children may have a tough time processing their views about what’s going on.

Here are some suggestions from parents and mental health experts on how to process in a healthy way: