The Importance of Spring Break by Sonia Mistry, Clinical Student Intern

As so many in our community journeyed out on Spring Break, it’s important for parents to remember that this isn’t a time just for kids to take a break. The beginning of Spring marks a time when we are just starting to venture back out into the world after a long, cold Winter. It can be an especially stressful time when planning for the rest of the year and beginning to juggle more social activities. Taking a break for yourself this time of year is especially important to rest, reset, and realign your goals for yourself and your family.

Not everyone has the time or budget to take a full vacation this time of year. Luckily, there are still lots of other ways to take a break. Taking an hour or two to yourself every day for a week can be immensely rejuvenating. Here are a few ideas for inspiration:

– Try taking a “vacation” with that interesting book that’s been waiting on your shelf.
– Is there a relaxing hobby you’ve been wanting to do but haven’t had the chance to lately? Pottery, painting, or playing an instrument are wonderful ways to reconnect with creativity, which is inherently restorative.
– If you’ve been missing feeling connected to people, now might be a good time to reach out and catch up with old friends.
– If you and your partner are used to cooking dinner every evening, try taking a week off and ordering in food.
– On the other hand, if cooking dinner with your family sounds like a fun way to bond, try out some new recipes together.
– Finally, maybe it’s time to try a week of restorative yoga classes and meditation.

However you decide to take a break, try to make sure it’s a restorative activity. This means doing something that leaves you feeling energized rather than depleted. Watching TV or scrolling through your phone might be a tempting way to take time off, but disconnecting in these ways is often not truly restful and may leave you feeling the same as before.

Finally, not only is taking a break good for you, but it is also a responsible parenting decision. Children learn by observing patterns of behavior and communication in their parents. What better way to show them that it’s acceptable to take a break than by taking one yourself? By modeling self-care for your kids, they learn healthy patterns of behavior. Whatever it means to you, finding a way to take time to yourself in the coming weeks is a way to benefit both you and your family.